10 more whales rescued!
10 more whales rescued! At the Whale Disentanglement Network, known as RABEN, we celebrate our 20th anniversary by being grateful for the rescue of 10 more whales this season. We have rescued a total of 97 whales in 20 years! We also celebrate that during this season there were no reports of gray whale entanglements. […]
We say goodbye to the Whales
We say goodbye to the whales! This end of whale season, we want to share some of the news and activities carried out. We conducted research outings and saw several well-know whales. We also had several RABEN rescues and even had to assist in attending strandings. We strengthened our campaign ‘Less Speed = More Lives’ to […]
The season came to an end
We say goodbye to the whales! This end of the whale season we want to share some of the news and activities carried out. We did research monitoring and saw some familiar whales. We also had several RABEN rescues and even had to support strandings. We strengthened our “Less Speed = More Lives” campaign to […]
We work for the marine giants
We work for the marine giants We welcome you to ECOBAC!Our newsletter is responsible for disseminating all the activities we carry out for the conservation of whales. On this occasion we dedicate this edition to the new RABEN members so that they can better understand what we do. What is ECOBAC?We are a Mexican non-profit organization […]
End of whale season 2022-2023
Once more, we bid these ocean giants farewell, and once more, we can proudly say that the whale season was a total success. Here is a quick summary of our whale season 2022–2023: 2022-2023 Humpback whale research outings We conducted our Humpback Whale Research Monitoring in Banderas Bay for the fourth year in a row. What […]
We trained 110 people: ready to save the whales
We currently have 15 RABEN teams, and we are proud to say that in the last 11 years, our RABEN teams have rescued 81 whales. So far this season we have rescued 7 whales, 4 in Bay Banderas, 2 in Los Cabos, and 1 in La Paz: These rescues are thanks to the workshops that the […]
2,900 identified whales and many achievements more!
It has been a very productive year for the ECOBAC team and we want to share our most recent accomplishments. ¡Our Catalog FIBB almost reaches 3,000 whales! We are pleased to share with you that we have just updated our FIBB catalog up to the 2020 season! With this update, we now have a […]
Good Bye Whales! Happy end of whale season 2022
We successfully finished another whale season, but our work is not done. We continue working on the conservation and research of the humpback whale in Banderas Bay! Take a look on some of our results from the 2022 whale season: FIBB Catalog: We made it to 2,848 whales! In our Banderas Bay Humpback Whale Photo-Identification […]
We are ready to start the new whale watch season 2021-2022!
We are ready to start the new whale watch season 2021-2022! The new whale watch season 2021-2022 has begun, and we are more than prepared to face new challenges and respond to reports of entangled whales in the Mexican Pacific and the Baja California Peninsula. We currently have 15 RABEN teams, and we are proud to say that in […]
We would like to wish you Happy Holidays!
We would like to wish you Happy Holidays! On behalf of the entire ECOBAC team, we thank all of our collaborators, volunteers, donors and supporters for their constant support. Thanks to you we achieved our goals. The Ecología y Conservación de Ballenas team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! We’d like […]