Rescatando Ballenas, Dic 2019
¿Sabías que rescatar a una ballena cuesta alrededor de $10,000 pesos? Este mes de diciembre comenzó la temporada de ballenas y con eso las labores de la Red Nacional de Asistencia a Ballenas Enmalladas, RABEN. En lo que va de la temporada se han realizado 3 rescates exitosos: 1) 14 de diciembre: el equipo RABEN Los Cabos libera a […]
Ballenas alimentándose en Bahía de Banderas
Queridos amigos de ECOBAC: Algunos de ustedes recordarán que en la temporada 2011-2012 nuestras queridas ballenas jorobadas nos sorprendieron alimentándose en la Bahía de Banderas. Como es bien sabido las ballenas jorobadas se alimentan durante el verano en latitudes altas y en el invierno viajan a latitudes más tropicales a sus zonas de reproducción, como Bahía de Banderas, […]
Boletin Newsletter ECOBAC 2018-2019
LLEGARON LAS BALLENAS Las ballenas llegaron a la Bahía y como todos los años en ECOBAC estamos trabajando para que su estadía sea placentera y puedan realizar sus actividades de reproducción y crianza. Este año la temporada oficial de observación de ballenas inició el 8 de diciembre y […]
Newsletter October 2017
Big Whale Disentanglement Workshop in Colombia Lead by RABEN A BIT OF HISTORY It has been a long and arduous journey since our first interinstitutional team whale rescue took place almost 14 years when we were able to rescue a whale entangled in a net in Banderas Bay.After many years of hard teamwork, courses, and […]
Newsletter April 2017
End of 2017 Season newsletter. The whales are gone, whale watching season is officially over since last March 23rd, as always whales kept us very busy and now that they left, we still have lots of work to do. This season we were pleasantly surprised by having the first registry of Sperm Whales inside the […]
Newsletter December 2016
ECOBAC DECEMBER 2016 NEWSLETTER ECOBAC friends, another year full of successes and achievements, and we are glad to know that you are part of it. We are excited since this next December 8th begins the official whale watching season; as a matter of fact, the first reports of whales have already been registered. We know […]
Newsletter October 2016
Dear collaborators, it is an honor to share with you the news, that this year in 2016 we are celebrating 20 years of working with humpback whales! The results have been diverse, and what started as just a project researching the whales, today has developed to encompass various areas of work including conservation, environmental education […]
Newsletter August 2015
Dear friends and colleagues, we gladly salute you once more! This time we would like to share with you the activities that have taken place after the end of whale watching season and the setting for the following one. Gathering funds while having fun The international Altruism festival “De Vallarta by Vallarta”, took place on […]